In my introduction to composition class at TCU, my professor introduced an icebreaker that is different than what I have been asked in other classes. We were all asked to share what we thought were our weirdest or funniest scar stories. We then voted on who had the best story. This icebreaker was called Scar Wars, and I wanted to share my quite stupid scar wars story with you...
When I was a little kid, I went to the fridge in my childhood home to grab a Caprisun juice box. I grabbed the last one but noticed that there wasn't a straw on it; my solution was to use a different straw, but I had to figure out a way to pierce through the seal where the straw should go. I decided to use scissors to poke a hold; so I held the juice box with my left hand and held the scissors in my right with the blades fully opened. When I pushed the scissors down, the blade that didn't go into the juice box, went into my finger. I ran to my mom, but she is not too good with blood. My dad traveled a lot for work at that time, therefor he was out of town. As my mom was trying to help me, while also trying not to pass out, my dad called her phone to let her know he was boarding the plane to come home for the weekend from his business trip. My sister, who was about 4 at the time, grabbed her phone and answered the call. All she said was "Hi daddy, Paige cut her finger off and mommy is trying not to pass out, bye!" then just hung up and walked away. My mom called my dad back and explained the situation so that he wouldn't be dying of confusion on the plane. Unfortunately, we did not have any butterfly bandaids, which are used to hold together major cuts, so my mom thought it would be smart to put a finger brace on it to protect it while we went to the store for the bandaids we needed. However, the brace just pushed my finger and reopened the wound. We eventually got the butterfly bandaids, and it is now healed; however, I do have circulation issues in all my fingers, ad my circulation is close to non-existent in the finger I sliced, even 12 years later. We learned that I probably should have gotten stitches because I still have a bad scar wrapping around my left pointer finger.